Willkommen bei KPÖ Wien Tuesday, 28. December 2021 @ 18:43

We say NO / NEIN / OXI!

  • Tuesday, 30. June 2015 @ 11:18
No to the dictatorship of the troika and the financial capital that destroys Europe.

Supporting the people of Greece is supporting ourselves – our social security systems, our jobs, our pensions, our future.

You are not alone – We are all Greeks!

We say YES / JA / NE

Yes to democracy and yes to another Europe, solidarity with migrants: open borders instead of nationalism and militarisation of fortress Europe

Manifestation: Friday, 3. July, 18 Uhr
Platz der Menschenrechte (beim Omofuma-Denkmal/Mariahilferstraße)

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