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Brexit: A historic choice?

  • Sunday, 19. June 2016 @ 23:17
"Leave" bzw. "Remain in" - dies sind letztlich die auf den Punkt gebrachten Positionen wenige Tage vor der Volksabstimmung über den Verbleib von GreatBritain in der EU. Jeremy Corbyn, Chef der Labour-Party und Hoffnungsträger für einen politischen Kurswechsel, meint: "I believe a vote to remain is in our best interests."
Nachfolgend das Statement von Corbyn, entnommen einem Flyer, welchen die Scottish Labour Party verteilt.

"Dear Friend, We face a historic choice on 23 June. I have many criticisms of the European Union, but I believe that we should remain and reform it.

This referendum period is a crucial democratic opportunity for people to debate our countrys future, and the future of our continent. Labour is for staying in because we believe the EU has brought investment, jobs, and protection for workers, consumers and the environment.

In the coming century, we face huge challenges as a people: to tackle climate change, cyber-crime und terrorism; to ensure gobal corporations pay fair taxes, and that all countries trade fairly and protect jobs und pay. We need to work together to adress the causes of the huge global refugee movements and to protect the freedom to live, work an retire abroad.

All these serious issues self-evidently require international co-operation. We will be stronger as a country if we co-operate with our neighbours to face them together.
This is why I believe a vote to remain is in our best interests."
Jermey Corbyn